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Find and click on your name.


Know the email address of a missing Alum? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Alums: 35.3%
A:   3768   Joined
B:   6897   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


      2025 FHHSAA EVENTS!

This year's FHHS Mini-Reunion will be held on

Saturday, May 24th, 2025 at  Fort Hunt Park, Area C.

The annual FHHS Reunion Weekend will be held on the last weekend of September, 2025.

The dates are Friday, September 26th, Saturday, September 27th and Sunday, September 28th which will be the big All-Class Reunion Picnic at Fort Hunt Park - Pavilion/Area A.

SAVE THE DATES and MAKE PLANS NOW!  All Federals invited and All Federals expected!  We look forward to seeing you!   


Has your email address changed since registering? Having trouble logging into the site? 

If you know your password, simply login as you did before, (using your old email address).  Once logged in, you can update your Login ID with your new email address by visiting the "Edit Contact Info" page under your MEMBER FUNCTIONS in the left-side navigation.

FHHSAA site notifications have bounced back from more than 400 members' email addresses.  Please make sure your info is current and, if prompted upon logging in, follow the instructions to reestablish verification of functioning email address.

Please help us locate missing classmates!

To Fort Hunt High School alumni, faculty and staff, family members, and friends:

Although our beloved high school is renamed and repurposed, FHHS will exist forever in our hearts and minds. We represent our old alma mater through our communal thoughts and memories; collectively reconstructing an institution stronger than the physical structure could ever be.

Our high school was only in existence for a mere 22 years.  Twenty-two. Amazing. Years.  Our parents and faculty--indeed, our whole community--produced an outstanding collection of entrepreneurs and leaders among our graduates and we continue that course, today, through our children and grandchildren.  

Sadly, our school's alumni membership will shrink with time, but we hope that our achievements will not be forgotten.  By welcoming family and friends of FHHS as members of our Association, we enable our legacy to live on through those who share our vision.  In particular, community programs and sponsorship awards that we establish and maintain might continue to grow and flourish.  Indeed, the Federals' spirit will live on through this Alumni Association! 

Please join me in welcoming all members who have chosen to participate in preserving the history and good name of this great school and the Mighty Federals!  ~Terry

To family and friends of FHHS who wish to join our alumni association: in order to expedite the verification process, please have a current registered alumni or faculty member sponsor your membership by emailing, on your behalf, your name and contact information to the website administrator.  Thank you!

Passwords are required to view certain pages in the left-side navigation links. In particular, those pages to which alumni contribute private content -- such as photo galleries and forum discussions.  Registered site members must LOG IN in order to view protected pages.  

Please note that the level of personal privacy is set by the individual member for his or her Alumni Profile page (please review this FAQ for more on profile privacy...)


Welcome to the Fort Hunt High School Alumni Association!

Your one-stop site for all your Federal needs!

Welcome to the Fort Hunt High School Alumni Association website!  Please have a look around this site, update your contact information, check out your classmates' profiles and pictures, drop a line in the Federal Forums, and peruse fun historical facts, photos & music from our many good ol' days!


"To foster, promote and maintain the spirit of Fort Hunt High School by serving as a central source of information about the school, its alumni, faculty and former students, to maintain this website (http// and to promote regular reunions of alumni, students and faculty members.  In addition, the association will conduct a scholarship program to deserving, college-bound seniors at West Potomac High School and provide support to the local community."

All alumni are encouraged to register and log in. Please read the HELP / FAQs page for instructions and other important information.