FHHS Alumni Association
Alumni Years 1963 - 1988

Current FHHSAA Officers and Board Members (2018 to present)
President – Joe Gililland ('73)
Vice President – Jimmy Carmalt ('71)
Secretary - Donna Pumphrey ('73)
Treasurer - Mary Cronin ('82)
FHHSAA Officers and Board Members (2016 - 2018)
President – Joe Gililland ('73)
Vice President – Jimmy Carmalt ('71)
Secretary - Donna Pumphrey ('73)
Treasurer - Harriet Singleton ('71) - Rest in Peace, Harriet.....
FHHSAA Officers and Board Members (2014-2016)
President – Joe Gililland ('73)
Vice President – Jimmy Carmalt ('71)
Secretary - Donna Pumphrey ('73)
Treasurer - Harriet Singleton ('71)
Board – Celia FlorCruz ('77), Boo Cerutti ('74), Tom Harvey ('68), Linda Miller ('68), Temple Whitson ('77) and Costa Manolas ('71).
Initial FHHSAA Officers and Board Members (Jan 2012 - Jan 2014)
President – Joe Gililland ('73)
Vice President – Terry Alers ('79)
Treasurer - Harriet Singleton ('71)
Secretary - Patti Miller ('79)
Board – Celia FlorCruz ('77), Tom Harvey ('68), Linda Miller ('68), Lisa McDonald ('79), Jimmy Carmalt ('71), '68), Jennifer Irvin ('83) and Rick Lothrop ('84).
In the formation of the Officers and Board, we worked to have representation from a wide variety of classes – ’66-’84 – so that we have the various viewpoints from each class.
Formerly Served:
Our thanks to those that formerly served on the board - Doug Clark ('68), John Harris ('65) and Rick Lothrop ('84). Terry Alers ('79) did a spectacular job as our founding Vice President and Patti Miller ('79) served with enthusiasm as our founding Secretary. We also thank Lisa McDonald ("79), Jennifer Irvin ('83), Linda Miller ('68) and John Ercolano ('76) for their efforts in supporting the alumni association.
FHHS Alumni Association By Laws (Extract)
Nomination and Election of Officers
1. Every two (2) years at the January Board Meeting, starting in January 2014, the President shall have the Nominating Committee provide a list of candidates for all Officer positions in the Association. A call for additional nominations will be made from the general membership at large. Nominations of candidates not present at this meeting shall not be accepted unless accompanied by a written or a verbal statement from the nominee indicating a willingness to be a candidate for office of the Association. The election of Officers shall then be held. No member shall be eligible to accept a nomination or be elected to more than one (1) office within the Association.
2. The election shall be held by ballot of the members present at this meeting and a majority of all votes cast shall be required to elect. The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall conduct the election. In cases of multiple candidates, each candidate shall appoint an official to count the votes.
3. When nominations have been presented for the Officers of the Association and when such nominations are without opposition, the membership may call for the Chair of the Nominating Committee to cast a unanimous ballot by acclamation for such unopposed candidates and such candidates shall be declared elected.
4. If a vacancy shall occur in any office or position between bi-annual elections, the Executive Board shall appoint an eligible member to fill the remainder of the term.
5. The installing officer shall be the immediate past President or, in his/her absence, any past President in attendance appointed by the President
A traditional club board is comprised of a President, a Vice President, A Treasurer and a Secretary. Other board officers may be appointed as deemed by the Club's By-Laws. Board meetings are conducted in appropriate fashion (such as following Robert's Rules).
The responsibilities of each officer:
- Chairs all Meetings of the Club and its Board of Officers
- Serves Ex-officio on all club committees
- Assumes responsibility for the success of the Club's programs and activities
- Provides the Assistant Director with an annual report of the Club's activities and budget.
- Required to have a valid E-mail address for official correspondence
Vice President
- Performs the duties of the President in his/her absence
- Completes the vacant unexpired term of the President
- Assists the other Board members in all club operations
- Keeps the minutes of the Club and Board Meetings
- Is the official correspondent for the Club
- Informs the AA of meetings, nominations and elections
- Submits to the AA Assistant Director the Club's past and upcoming events for publication in the online Alumni Magazine
- Is responsible for handling the Club's income and expenditures
- Is in charge of the Club's finances
- Prepares and makes an annual financial report at a general Club membership meeting
(Full By-Laws - Signed Dec 11, 2012 and filed with the Internal Revenue Service in Jan 2013)
DECEMBER 11, 2012
Organization Name and Background
1. The name of the Association shall be The Fort Hunt High School Alumni Association, Incorporated. Formed on November 29, 2012 as a not-for-profit organization, the period of its duration is perpetual.
Purpose and Objectives
1. The purposes of The Fort Hunt High School Alumni Association are: To foster, promote and maintain the school spirit of Fort Hunt High School, closed since 1985, and to serve as a central source of information about the school’s history, its alumni, former students, faculty and current activities of the Alumni Association and its members. The Association will maintain a website to further these purposes.
2. The Association will promote fundraising events where alumni, former students, faculty members and friends of Fort Hunt High School are invited to raise funds for the Alumni Association, discuss current events about the school’s alumni and reminisce about the school’s legacy.
3. The Association will provide student education assistance to deserving students of the local high school in the Fairfax County Public School system in the name of The Fort Hunt High School Alumni Association. The local public school is West Potomac High School located at 6500 Quander Road, Alexandria, VA 22307.
4. The Association is organized and shall be operated as a non-partisan, non-profit, and non-sectarian organization for the purposes stated above.
5. The Association shall issue no stock, and no part of its income will be used to the benefit of any member, Board Member, Officer, individual or organization.
6. As a 501(c) 3, tax-exempt, non-profit organization, the Association shall be authorized to accept donations from individuals, groups, organizations, firms or corporations, whether they are members or non-members. These donated funds will be deposited in a local Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insured banking institution and upon request, the donors will receive a letter from the Association noting the donation and providing the Association’s Federal Tax Identification Number for using as a tax deduction for the donor.
7. All proposals for outgoing donations in the name of the Association shall be approved by three-fourths (3/4) of the Board Members present and voting at a Board meeting.
8. The Association, in furtherance of its objectives, is authorized to sponsor, by the use of Association funds, other organizations or individuals having goals and purposes consistent with those of the Fort Hunt High School Alumni Association.
9. The Association shall take actions on issues significant to the Association as the Board and members may deem appropriate.
1. Membership eligibility in the Association shall be Fort Hunt High School alumni, former students, faculty or anyone with a genuine interest in the school who have registered with the Alumni Association.
2. Membership shall be initiated by registering directly on the Alumni Association website or by contacting an Alumni Association Board Member and providing their names and contact information.
3. Membership shall be made without reference to sex, race, creed, color, religion or political preference.
4. Membership Fees of $10.00 (ten dollars) annually shall be requested of the members. The Membership Fee amount may be adjusted from time to time by a vote of the Alumni Association Board.
5. Membership Fees and donations will be collected and deposited in a local Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insured banking institution. Funds will be used by the Alumni Association to pay for costs associated with the maintenance of the Association website, fees for state, local and federal filings, printing of materials, administrative costs associated with meetings, fundraising events and the Student Education Assistance Program.
Officers and Board Members
1. The Elective Officers of the Association shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
2. Board Members will be appointed by a closed vote of the Association’s Officers. The Association will have a minimum of four (4) Board Members, and a maximum of eleven (11) Board Members.
3. The minimum term of office for all Elective Officers shall be two (2) years. All Elective Officers may serve, upon re-election, an unlimited number of terms. The officers of the Association are to be selected though in-person voting at the general membership meeting or through website voting every two (2) years, starting in January 2014, in the following manner: The President shall appoint a nominating committee which shall nominate at least one person for each officer position. Additional nominations may be made from the meeting attendees or through the website voting.
4. All Alumni Association members shall be eligible to hold an elective office.
5. All Alumni Association members shall be entitled to vote.
6. Officers and Board Members, including duly appointed and authorized committee chairmen and members of the Association (and his heirs, executors and administrators) shall be indemnified by the Association against, and the Association shall actively defend any action, suit, proceeding or claim to any Officer or Board Member at the time such costs or expenses are incurred by or imposed upon him, except in relation to matters as to which he or she shall have finally adjudged in such action, suit or proceeding to be liable for gross negligence or willful misconduct in the performance of his duties as such Board Member or officer. Such indemnification shall include all liabilities, imposed upon by him or her in connected with or resulting from any such claims, actions or other proceedings including the amount of settlement or judgment, attorneys’ fees, costs or other reasonably necessary expenses.
Duties of Officers
The responsibilities of the Association Officers are:
1. President. The President shall chair all meetings and preserve and exercise all rules as outlined in the By-Laws of the Association. The President shall be an Ex-officio Member of all committees. The President shall perform any and all other executive duties necessary to this office. The President assumes responsibility for the success of the Association’s programs and activities. On voting matters, the President shall not cast a ballot except in case of tie votes. The President informs the Association of meetings, elections and events.
2. Vice-President. The Vice-President of the Association shall assist the President in conducting official duties and shall exercise the same powers and perform the same duties as the President during his/her absence or in case of his/her illness or inability to perform same. The Vice-President assists the other Board Members in all Association operations. The Vice-President will complete the unexpired term of the President, should he/she not complete their term.
3. Secretary. The Secretary shall handle the official correspondence for the Association. The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings proceedings through published meeting minutes. The Secretary shall create a perpetual record of all Association documents and maintain an archive of these documents. At the close of his/her term of office, the Secretary shall turn over to their successor all records, documents, etc., and all properties belonging to the Association.
4. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall receive, receipt for and disburse all monies entrusted to the Association. All disbursements shall be made by check or debit card whenever possible. Cash disbursements may be made to those authorized by the board. The Treasurer shall keep a systematic and correct account of all monies received and disbursed, carefully preserving all vouchers and receipts. He/she shall prepare a monthly Treasurer’s Report of all receipts and expenditures showing the balance of all funds of the Association and present the report at Board Meetings. The Treasurer’s Report shall become a part of the Meeting Minutes. At the close of the term of office, the Treasurer shall prepare and present a report specifying all receipts and disbursements categorically itemized showing balances remaining in the accounts of the Association and copies of the Association bank account statements. The Treasurer shall also turn over to his/her successor all funds, records, documents, vouchers, etc. belonging to the Association at the end of their term. The Executive Board shall appoint a member in good standing to serve as alternate treasurer.
5. Other Association Officers may be appointed as deemed necessary by the Board.
6. Salaries. All elected Officers, Board Members and Committee Chairpersons shall serve without compensation. However, any authorized expense(s) associated with the office or committee in the performance of their duties shall be funded or reimbursed through the Treasurer.
Executive Board
1. The President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall constitute the Executive Board of the Association.
2. It shall be the responsibility of the Executive Board to interpret all questions arising from the By-Laws of the Association. All interpretations shall be in accordance with good judgment and understanding.
3. Meetings will be called as needed to carry out its assigned duties as outlined within these By-Laws.
4. The Board shall set policy and procedures that are consistent with the Association and its objectives. Its action shall be binding, unless over-ruled by three fourths (3/4) of the members present and voting at a general membership meeting.
1. Any Officer or Board member who is negligent in duty or for any charge of misconduct against the Association may be suspended at the discretion of the Executive Board.
2. Officers or Board Members may refer all questions of law on the advice of independent counsel. Such right of indemnification shall not be deemed exclusive of any rights to which he may be entitled under any by-law, agreement, vote of members, or otherwise. In the event of a settlement, the indemnification shall be made only if the Association shall be advised by the Board Members that in its opinion such director, officer, or member was not guilty of gross negligence or willful misconduct in the performance of his duty, and that such settlement is in the best interest of the Association.
1. Board Meetings will be called by the President to include Association Officers and Board Members at least four (4) times a year, scheduled at the President’s discretion. General membership meetings, where all Association members are invited, shall be conducted two (2) times a year at times scheduled at the discretion of the Board.
2. Meeting frequency may be modified or changed by a vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the members present at the previous general membership meeting or by the Executive Board. The membership shall be notified of any changes in regularly scheduled meetings in writing at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the newly scheduled date.
3. Special Meetings for the Association may be called by the President on his own motion or upon written request signed by five (5) voting members. The membership shall be notified in writing at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the scheduled meeting.
Meetings - Definition of a Quorum
1. Any elected Officer of the Association and five (5) Board Members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business concerning the Association. Two (2) elected Officers and four (4) Board Members will also constitute a quorum.
Meetings - Governing Rules
1. The Robert’s Rules of Order shall be used as the governing rules of the Association.
Meetings - Order of Business
The following will serve as a guide for the regular order of business during Association Meetings:
1. Opening Call to Order
2. Determination of a quorum
3. Introduction of visitors or guests – if present
4. Special program presentation from invited guests – if present
5. Reading of Meeting Minutes of the last meeting, special meetings,
Executive Board Meetings, and votes on same
6. President’s Report
7. Membership Report
8. Reading of Communications
9. Treasurer's Report
10. Committee Reports
11. Unfinished or Old Business
12. New Business
13. Election of Officers (January Meeting of every other year, starting in 2014)
14. Special Announcements
15. Open Discussion
16. Adjournment
Nomination and Election of Officers
1. Every two (2) years at the January Board Meeting, starting in January 2014, the President shall have the Nominating Committee provide a list of candidates for all Officer positions in the Association.
A call for additional nominations will be made from the general membership at large. Nominations of candidates not present at this meeting shall not be accepted unless accompanied by a written or a verbal statement from the nominee indicating a willingness to be a candidate for office of the Association. The election of Officers shall then be held. No member shall be eligible to accept a nomination or be elected to more than one (1) office within the Association.
2. The election shall be held by ballot of the members present at this meeting and a majority of all votes cast shall be required to elect. The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall conduct the election. In cases of multiple candidates, each candidate shall appoint an official to count the votes.
3. When nominations have been presented for the Officers of the Association and when such nominations are without opposition, the membership may call for the Chair of the Nominating Committee to cast a unanimous ballot by acclamation for such unopposed candidates and such candidates shall be declared elected.
4. If a vacancy shall occur in any office or position between bi-annual elections, the Executive Board shall appoint an eligible member to fill the remainder of the term.
5. The installing officer shall be the immediate past President or, in his/her absence, any past President in attendance appointed by the President.
Appointments and Committees
1. The President shall appoint a Chairperson of all Standing Committees and any other special committee(s) as deemed necessary to fulfill the purpose and intent of the Association. The Chairperson shall then appoint members as required to fulfill the duties of said committee. Committee members shall serve at the discretion of the Chairperson. New committees may be formed at the discretion of the President.
2. The following are the Standing Committees of the Association:
- Membership
- Website
- Communications
- Fundraising Events
- Nominating
6. Student Education Assistance
Duties of Appointees and Standing Committees
The following is a list of Standing Committees and their responsibilities. Committee Leads will report to the Board and Officers at each Board Meeting.
1. Membership: The Membership Committee shall monitor the membership sign-ups for the Association and suggest methods to increase membership.
2. Website: The Website Committee will monitor and maintain the Association website and provide new content for the website, remove outdated content and make suggestions for improvements to the website.
3. Communications: The Communications Committee shall use all means available to publicize the purposes, objectives and causes of the Association. The Committee may use the Alumni website, social media or the local newspapers to promote the Association and advertise events. The Committee shall be responsible for the publication and distribution of any Association publications and documents promoting the Association, with the approval of the Officers and Board.
4. Fundraising Events: The Fundraising Committee will plan and coordinate events for the Association. Every year, on dates determined by the Board and Officers, the Association will hold fundraising events. The events are designed to bring together all students, faculty and friends of Fort Hunt High School to raise funds for the Alumni Association, discuss current events about the school’s alumni and remember the school’s legacy.
5. Nominating: The Nominating Committee shall present a list of nominees for the Officer positions within the Association – at least one nominee for each Officer position. The nominee list will be presented at the January Election Meeting of every other year, beginning in January 2014. The Chair of the Nominating Committee also conducts the election.
6. Student Education Assistance: The Student Education Assistance Committee will provide student education assistance or other form of financial support to deserving students of our local public school system in the name of the Fort Hunt High School Alumni Association. Nominations for deserving students will be requested of the school’s administration and nominees will be reviewed by the Officers and Board. When a nominee is selected, a dollar amount of the financial support will be determined and a gift card, or other means of financial support, will be provided to the winning nominee. Care will be taken not to interfere with the student’s eligibility for scholastic or athletic scholarships.
1. Amendments to the By-Laws of the Association may be proposed by any member in good standing. No alterations or amendments of this Constitution shall be made except at a Board Meeting of the Association, at which a quorum is present and three-fourths (3/4) of those present voting in favor of the same amendments. All alterations or amendments must be submitted in writing and action shall be taken at the next Board Meeting. Amendments will be read and discussed at that meeting and shall be voted on at the following meeting. Successful amendments shall have three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members present.
Dissolution of the Association
1. In the event of dissolution of the Association, all financial assets remaining in the treasury of the Association shall be donated to West Potomac High School, 6500 Quander Road, Alexandria, VA 22307. All financial indebtedness or obligations shall be satisfied prior to distribution of Association funds to West Potomac High School. In the event that West Potomac High School is no longer in existence, distribution of funds shall be made to the local high school that serves high school students in the current West Potomac High School school district.
Effective Dates of Organizational Documents
1. This Constitution and all amendments of the Constitution shall become effective immediately following their adoption.
Organizing and maintaining an officially chartered Club is both challenging and rewarding. Members work with a diverse group of volunteers. It's important to remember that the most effective Clubs are those that have effective leadership - and leaders who delegate Club responsibilities among all Board members. Please contact us if you might consider serving on the FHHS Alumni Association board at some point.