In Memory

Orion Layman (Math)

Orion R Layman 1913 - 2001 was a member of the Layman family. Orion was born on July 23, 1913. Orion died on February 6, 2001 at 87 years old.

Orion R Layman's last known residence is at Lorton, Fairfax County, VA 22079.

We were able to locate a death record for Orion R Layman in the United States Social Security Master Death Index (SSDI). According to information provided to the SSDI, this death record has been verified by a family member of the deceased. This data can be considered very accurate.

- Researched by Joe Gililland, Feb 2014

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05/09/16 01:38 AM #1    

Priscilla Beverly Glynn (1974)

Mr. Gilliland, thank you for posting this information about Orion Layman.  He was a wonderful, inspiring educator who loved mathematics and cared about his students.  He would always go over my tests with me between classes--always grumbling that it wasn't really the proper procedure, and Always, Always smiling as he said it, with a twinkle in his eye!  I never learned algebra till I took geometry with him, so I got two classes for the price of one, ha ha!  If only more teachers were like him.  


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